"A path scented with sweetgrass leads to a landscape of forgiveness
and healing for all who need it.  
She doesn't give her gift only to some."

~Robin Wall Kimmerer~


How's summer been treating you? I've been caught up in all things 'sweetgrass' this summer. Learning about the history, growing, drying, burning and smudging. I've been reading a beautiful book called "Braiding Sweetgrass" by professor and member of Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Robin Wall Kimmerer. She speaks to the indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants. Weaving science and spirit so eloquently.

It was not what I was expecting nor what I thought I had ordered on Amazon. I obviously didn't read the description very closely... I thought it was literally going to teach me all I wanted to know about braiding sweetgrass. It is not that at all, but so much more. Which leads me to continue to believe that there are no mistakes?

I have been exploring the sweet vanilla scent of sweetgrass as a complimentary aroma in my individual integrative relaxation sessions and as a smudging partner to sage. If you're not familiar with the term smudging, it is an ancient ritual or ceremony practiced in many parts of the world. It means fanning the smoke of a dried sacred plant onto individuals or into a space to clear any negative and stagnant energies in order to allow fresh, new energy to come in. The most popular way of smudging is the Native American way of burning herbs such as sage, sweetgrass, cedar, and others. These herbs have powerful purifying properties.

I've also been exploring the idea of using sound and vibration of my Tibetan Singing Bowls as another source of smudging...In fact, after a Vibrational Sound Massage (VSM) session last week, a a client said to me "I feel like I've been smudged, cleared out".

Ok, sorry, I got excited and off topic there, more on VSM next time. Back to sweetgrass.

When creating an experience for my clients, the foundation begins with no scents.  Often my clients prefer the session to remain unscented.  This is always an option.  I smudge the space with herbs or vibration & sound at the beginning and end of the day and between clients so that they can choose their own path with clarity. 

The sweet scent of this natural grass is attractive and pleasing to people, so is it attractive to good spirits and conducive to deep relaxation and healing. This makes the scent of sweetgrass a complimentary teacher during an Integrative Relaxation session. My clients are invited to rest deeply, without apology, to let go of pain, anxiety, stress and fear, into their own innate healing wisdom, the ultimate teacher. It's in this deep state of relaxation and stillness, where our energy aligns with our true nature. 

"A teacher comes, they say, when you are ready.  And if you ignore its presence, it will speak to you more loudly.  But you have to be quiet to hear" ~Robin Wall Kimmerer~

I am passionate about deep relaxation in healing and wellness, and committed to helping people decrease the effects of limiting conditions. I am so curious and continue to learn modalities of other cultures and ancient practices.   

Whether you choose to work with me through the sweet, sweet scent of sweetgrass, one on one, Integrative Relaxation sessions, Oncology Massage, Vibrational Sound Massage or through the group experience, The Art of Non Doing (Yoga Nidra), I invite you to be still and listen, connect with your ultimate teacher.

You can find me for individual sessions in Southport NC, Wilmington NC and beginning mid August I'll be hanging out @ Jiva Yoga in Hilton Head SC a few times a month

I'm facilitating group sessions of The Art of Non Doing (Yoga Nidra) in Southport, Wilmington and Hilton Head.
Check back soon for additional sessions at The CAM & Prana Salt Cave in Wilmington and Jiva Yoga in Hilton Head.

Enjoy the next half of summer and stay curious. 

Be Well & Shine On


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